Tax Prep - Corporate Clients
This page is for Corporate Drivers (S Corp/C Corp and multimember LLCs) or for any driver who Is taxed as a corporation. You can be a C Corp, S Corp, or an LLC that has more than one member.
Service Fee:
Corporate Return Service Fee - $590.00
Individual Return Service Fee - $210.00
Total - $800.00
Our process begins with the tax organizer.
This online form, when filled out, will provide us with your personal information, tax information (required by the IRS), a list of all your deductions, and corporate information. After completing the form, please press the “Submit” button at the bottom of the last page and we will receive a copy instantaneously.
Additional documents we may need:
Once you have sent the tax organizer, we will need copies of your tax documents. Below you will find a list of possible documents.
It is not necessary to send any receipts or back up documents that detail the deductions you entered into the tax organizer.
If you are a first time client you must send us a copy of your previous year’s tax return
1099s and W2s
SS4 showing your EIN
Articles of Incorporation
Must have bank balances: January 31st and December 31st (Don't need Docs, just answer questions in Tax Organizer)
Purchase agreement for tractors/trailers
Depreciation schedules
Loan documents
Pension/IRA or investment documents
Insurance form 1095A
Any correspondence marked "Important Tax Documents"